13/03/2020, 17:07 PM

The theory of the five elements is the reciprocal transformation of life and things in nature. It is not simply an operation in feng shui but also a cycle of life and death in nature. 

The supporting and controlling cycles do not exist independently, but they support each other, helping the ecosystem develop in balance and harmony.  

ngũ hành tương sinh tương khắc

Supporting Cycle

In the Supporting Cycle, the five elements support, promote, and help each other to grow and develop. In this cycle, each element generates the next one in the cycle: 

-   Metal generates Water: Metal melts into water.

-   Wood generates Fire: Fire uses trees as raw materials to burn. When the tree burns out, the fire will also be extinguished.

-   Water generates Wood: Water nourishes plants to multiply and grow rapidly.

-   Fire generates Earth: All matter, after being burned completely, turns into ashes, then building up into earth.

-   Earth generates Metal: Metal hidden underground for thousands of years, filtered to produce quintessence.

Controlling Cycle

In the Controlling Cycle, each element has an oppression that hinders the growth and development of others. In nature, this cycle creates an ecological balance. However, if the balance is lost, it will lead to the serious destruction of a part of nature. In the Controlling Cycle, each element controls the next one in the cycle:

-   Metal controls Wood: Metal (axe, sword, knife, etc.) can cut trees and destroy tree branches.

-   Wood controls Earth: The roots of the plant penetrate deep into the soil, absorbing nutrients from the soil to grow.

-   Water controls Fire: Water can put out fire.

-   Fire controls Metal: Fire can melt metal.

-   Earth controls Water: The soil can stop the flow of water.

ngũ hành tương sinh tương khắc

Restraining Cycle

Mutual generation is the cycle of development of the five elements, however, having too much generation may lead to adverse impacts, causing restraints.

-   Molten Metal generates Water, however, if there is too much Metal, it will cause Water to solidify and not able to flow.

-   Wood generates Fire, but if the amount of Wood is too large, it will cause great damage.

-   Water provides life and nourishes Wood, but too much water will cause the plant to die or be washed away.

-   Fire turns everything into dust, but if it is too much, it will cause Earth to lose its vitality and life, dry up and gradually die.

-   Metal is formed in the Earth, but too much Earth will cause Metal to be buried and not able to shine.

Counter-Controlling Cycle

When the object controlled has too much force, it will cause the Controlling Cycle to be adversely impacted in return and no longer be able to control other element. This is called the Counter-Controlling Cycle.

-   Metal can cut Wood, but if the Wood is too hard and big, it will cause Metal to be broken.

-   Wood relies on Earth to grow and reproduce, but if Earth has poor nutrients, landslides and aridity, it will be weaken and die gradually.

-   Water can extinguish Fire, but if Fire is too strong, Water will also dry up.

-   Fire can melt Metal, but if the Metal is too firm and solid, and Fire is not strong enough, Fire will also be extinguished.

-   Earth can block the flow of Water, but Water can also cause Earth to suffer from landslide and erosion.

It can be said that the Five Element Theory not only have the cycles of supporting and controlling, but it is also under the influence of restraining and counter-controlling cycles. These cycles exist together, complement and control each other, balancing the ecology operation and sustaining life for humans and other living things.